
Who is Marian Nielsen Joos, the Business Shaman?

 Healing is in my blood. As a child in Northern Denmark, growing up near the sea, I learned to watch, listen and observe what was going on around me. I realised that often what we say and do is not what we feel inside. There is a gap. That fascinated me.

When I was 25, on my mother's deathbed, during a very dark time in my life, I suddenly saw what a healer could do. This set me off on my 15-year path working with Chinese medicine, where I healed many thousands of clients in my private clinic. …

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Marie Kondo is right about this one thing

The first thing I'm going to do when my kids' holiday has started?

Declutter the rest of the stuff that I brought home from my clinic.

You know papers and little things I wasn't sure if I should keep.

It's time to completely get rid of what I don't need anymore.

I'm sure you know the feeling.


 What do you want to delutter this summer?

What belongs to the past and has no value to you anymore?

It makes no sense to hang onto stuff, things, mindset patterns or even old hurts.

Turns o…

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Thank you universe!

Can you feel it.....

Amazing shifts are happening for YOU right now in this moment!

The happier you are, the more fun and the more abundance there is in your life.

Thank you universe as I am open to receive with all my heart.

I believe in the good and I am ready for my next step towards freedom and free flow! 


Abundance is for everybody and everyone - heal your past and shift your energy blocks!

Open the door to your Heart-H…

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The longest joureny from your Head to your Heart!

You know the feeling of being on a rollercoaster-ride in life and the only thing you can do is holding on as it shakes you from the inside out!

Have I been on a journey like that these last few weeks.... maybe you have too!

It all started with me tipping over a cup of tea and the liquid slowly spread it self all over the table and directly into my laptop! SHOCK - not good!

And the next day my dear laptop was just all black and showed not sign of life anymore - have you…

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The Shaman Within!



“Let us all put theory aside and connect to the pool of wisdom that we are all connected to”.

With this line, Dr. Med Klaus Dieter Platsch started his workshop at a congress of Chinese Medicine in Graz - the Tao Congress - quite some years ago.

This sentence fascinated me and has been on my mind ever since. This was a medical doctor, at a congress for Chinese medicine, organized by the Austrian Medical Acupuncture Association, who had asked at least 60 people to put a…

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The Empowering Shift....



There are so many things during a transition which confuse us and makes us feel unworthy or even... powerless.

It’s like being in a big storm, riding the largest waves of our lives, yet somehow we are standing on the sidelines watching and feeling helpless.

"Why is this all happening to me?" we ask ourselves... and boy do we get an answer!

You might be in the midst of a transition right now, big or small - so what are you doing to help yoursel…

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Soul Healing the Heart Way!



Healing for the Soul as to thrive in life and the emotions can at last calm down, for you to get deeply connected to your Heart and healing can happen.

You simply know in your heart that a shift is needed in your life, your might be afriad to make the changes that are needed yourself, but then life happens and from outisde your are pushed into making the shift that are needed.

I am today on the path of shamanism, which means that I in my own life need…

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Lost in Transformation!

We all know that a beautiful flower can’t be pulled up from the ground to grow faster. If we do that, we know, we will stand with the whole flower in our hand and the roots will be hanging freely in the air. We have just killed the beautiful flower in our wish to have it unfold faster then the natural law determines.

Being in the process of life and transformation is the gateway to reach next level. What do we do! Run faster? Do more? Jump higher? Lesser sleep? Work harder?


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Jumping into life - is what it's all about!

That I did on New Years Eve to make 2016 “my best year yet” and here is parts of the journey towards Upgrade to Healthy Lifestyle, Living the Heart Way and my motto: “The Heart at Stillness and everything around moves”.



Ready to:
  •  Truly say goodbye to bad old habits of mine.

  •  Stop being disconnected from my Heart.

  •  Absolutely letting go of feeling inferiority.

  •  Having enough of the stress at home with kids.

  •  Much less of doing work the “hard” way.

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Transformation bloody hurts.

“If just I could cry out load to have my bleeding heart stop hurting!”

You have that feeling of loosing yourself and the path you are on is too painful.What is happening to me right now, I’m loosing it and this is really not I.

Being in the middle of the storm and you can’t see clearly, nor can you make a move as the river of life is blocked, a big stone is in the middle of the river.

It feels like being fixed, nailed to the ground, neither can you do what you …

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